Signature Seven Coffee Selection

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Crafted with expertise from renowned coffee-growing regions, our Signature Seven Coffee Set is the perfect companion for discerning coffee enthusiasts. 

  1. Auspicious - Mellow and sweet with a smooth finish.
  2. Carefree - A smooth, sweet blend with a fresh floral aroma.
  3. Joy - Bold and smooth with a sweet touch. Complemented by floral and fruity notes.
  4. Lissom - Mild and sweet, soft and smooth, finished with a balanced fruity fragrance.
  5. Radiant - Delightfully sweet aroma for a pleasant experience.
  6. Regal - Full-bodied coffee taste with chocolate undertones.
  7. Resonant - A rich blend, delivering a smooth, sweet aftertaste.
Global Origins, Local Perfection 🇸🇬

Global Origins, Local Perfection 🇸🇬

Our mild coffee beans are globally sourced from the finest coffee-growing regions, then meticulously roasted right here in Singapore. This balance of international selection and local craftsmanship ensures a superb coffee experience in every cup.


Can I purchase additional bags of specific coffee bean varieties from the set?

Yes! If you find a particular coffee bean variety from the set that you absolutely love, you can purchase additional bags of that specific variety separately.

Are the coffee beans in the set sourced sustainably?

Absolutely! We prioritise sustainability in our sourcing practices and aim to select coffee beans from regions and farms that prioritise ethical and environmentally friendly cultivation methods.

How should I store the coffee beans in the set?

To maintain optimal freshness, we recommend storing the coffee beans in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.